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Poets Embodying Abstraction

Woman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
recorded Sunday, 2011-06-19

event profile:
How does it work? Five different poets, five different ways, varying from poem to poem and poet to poet. Abstraction can happen as a phenomenon of sound and voice (or multiple sounds, multiple voices) and/or as an arrangement of letters and words on the page; it can happen via the workings or un-workings of form or take shape as an idea. Each act of making can generate abstraction as experience, as mode of consciousness or, more accurately, both. Our featured poets will share work reflective of different lineages and traditions and the many routes for poetry to take through, to, or away from (a way from) abstraction.

- program statement by Woman Made Gallery

Featured poets include: Bernicia Blue, Judith Goldman, Kristen Ravel, Nicole Wilson, and Lisa Fishman. The event was curated by Nina Corwin, with guest curator Lisa Fishman.

Click for: direct play/download; 79 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 20 min

- published on e-poets.net January 2014