e-poets network | Book of Voices


legal statement

This website is administered by e-poets network partners. The e-poets.net website and its related subdomain websites are provided free of charge to the public on the Internet worldwide. We do not restrict the availability of this website's content with regard to the nation of the reader.


All material on e-poets.net and its related subdomain websites is copyrighted by e-poets network partners, and the original authors and performers. Rights are reserved by the e-poets network partners and other originating contributors. Rights to poetry, prose, and fiction on e-poets.net, whether such poetry is in text, audio, video, animation, or a combination of such forms, revert to the original authors upon online publication.


Information on e-poets.net and its related subdomains may be collected in two principal ways.

  • The e-poets network indirectly collects data about our readers through our Internet access logs. When you access e-poets.net, your Internet address is automatically recorded in our Internet access logs.
  • We may also use cookies, small pieces of information kept by your browser which may indicate your browsing activity on e-poets.net. Cookies may contain information about how you came to our site, how you navigated it, and information that may have been of interest to you. If you do not want us set and retrieve cookies through your web browser, you simply disable the cookies by changing your web browser preferences.

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Information that we collect about you indirectly, such as through cookies and Internet access logs, helps us determine how well e-poets.net and its related websites function. The purpose of any information that we collect from you directly, as with fill-in forms, will be made clear at the time we present such forms to you.