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Before to After, Here to There

Woman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
recorded Sunday, 2015-10-11, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.


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There are so many ways to think about transitions: from before to after, here to there. Transformations, changes and dislocations in any form or function. Personal transitions from one life stage, career, gender, relationship status. Movement from one location or culture to another. Changes such as political, historical man-made or natural shifts; to suggest just a few.

Poets Lucia Blinn, Lisa Croneberg, Aricka Foreman, Natasha Mijares, Allie Shyer, and Laura Madeline Wiseman bring their artistry and craft to the afternoon, with gallery poetry presenter Nina Corwin.


Click for: direct play/download; 86 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 33 min

- published on e-poets.net Feburary 2016