The Body RevisitedWoman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
We are living in a time when women’s bodies are more and more subjected to regulation, domination and standardization. In this reading, Woman Made Gallery explores poems that delve into the relationship between Body and Self, Body and Society. Poems that consider the body in all its iterations and permutations: as object or actor, in whole or in part, in function and malfunction, sickness and health, stark or embellished. Think active body, gendered body, consuming body, sexual, emotional, physical body...our most inescapable abode. Readers for "The Body Revisited" include: Colleen Abel, Callista Buchen, Sara Henning, Sarah Kim, Maya Marshall, and Yvonne Zipter, with gallery poetry presenter Nina Corwin.
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81 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 28 min
- published on e-poets.net, Aug 2015