17th annual International Open readingWoman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
event profile: Each year, the Gallery invites a select group of writers to participate in the International Open reading. Artists may have been featured in previous Woman Made Gallery events, or may make their first appearance at the Gallery in this event. But in any case, they are esteemed writers, to whom the Gallery wants to give special attention. The reading spans both Women's History month and Poetry Month. While most WMG readings are organized around the theme of the concurrent art exhibit, this reading is an open celebration of women writers. Participating readers include Barbara Barg, Kristy Bowen, Rosellen Brown, and Ching-In Chen. This event was curated by Nina Corwin.
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85 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 30 min
- published on e-poets.net November 2014