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The Body Uncommon

Woman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
recorded Sunday, 2013-05-19, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.


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event profile:
Our society tries to press women and men into a standard mold, but few bodies conform to the way they are "supposed to" look or behave. Co-curated by Nina Corwin and Deborah Kent, Woman Made Gallery explores the experiences of people whose uncommon bodies lead them to live outside the expected norms.

Featured artists include: poet and performer Pennie Brinson; poet Lily Diego; essayist and novelist Deborah Kent; nonfiction writer and editor Sarah Hollenbeck; and acclaimed performance artist Tekki Lomnicki. They share original work that is informed by, but not limited to, the experience of living with a disability.


Click for: direct play/download; 95 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 42 min

- published on e-poets.net October 2013