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Public versus Private

Woman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
recorded Sunday, 2013-02-03, 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
at Woman Made Gallery


event participants
event participants (L to R): Amy Newman, Marty McConnell, Kelly Davio, Rita Mae Reese, Xánath Caraza, Simone Muench

event profile:
From the exploding popularity of reality television and celebrity culture to the U.S. government's ever-growing presence in our homes, schools, and community spaces through Patriot Act-sanctioned surveillance, the twenty-first century has seen enormous shifts in cultural and political conceptions of what is considered private and what is considered public. We as individuals are losing control over what is seen and what is unseen; known and unknown; public and private. How do these shifts manifest in our daily lives? Who is most affected and why? How do poets address these changes, whether through illuminating, embracing or actively working against them?"

This event was curated by Nina Corwin and documented by audio recordist Kurt Heintz. The featured writers were Shevaun Brannigan, C.M. Burroughs, Sandra Marchetti, Carrie McGath, Tyler Mills, and Naomi Buck Palagi.

Click for: direct play/download; 89 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 37 min

- published on e-poets.net December 2013