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Consumer Culture

Woman Made Gallery Poetry Reading Series
recorded Sunday, 2012-06-03

event profile:
What do you think of when you think about "Consumer Culture"... A culture that promotes consumption? A mentality that, "more is better"? An advertising industry that sells the idea that happiness depends on possession, that what you are and what you have is never enough?

The economic machinery depends on growth and waste to survive. In keeping with the "Consumer Culture" gallery exhibit, the writers bring original poetry that touches on this world of glittering surfaces, symbols and trends as well as the human and environmental impact of Consumer Culture.

- program statement by Woman Made Gallery

Featured poets include: Lucy Biederman, Kris Bigalk, Coya Paz, Christina Pugh, Kristin LaTour and Andrea Witzke-Slot. The event was curated by Nina Corwin.

Click for: direct play/download; 81 Mbytes; MP3 audio; duration: 1 hr 28 min

- published on e-poets.net January 2014