Victoria Rubin
Victoria Rubin, along with her husband David, co-hosts poetry readings at Café Aloha every Tuesday night in Chicago's Lincoln Square district. The Aloha reading series ran continuously from 1997 through 2000. In 2000, the series was interrupted when a fired gutted the Café, but the series resumed once the space was rebuilt and expanded. Aloha has featured local poets of renown and many other special guests from North America, Europe, and Australia. The Aloha reading series attained mainstay status in Chicago's North Side thanks much to the her and her husband's dedication to creating an open and accepting venue for original spoken word.
Ms. Rubin also co-hosts a live monthly radio program of poetry, music and interview on WZRD (Chicago, Northeastern Illinois University), and has performed at the Green Mill, the Mad Bar, and the 1998 & 1999 Bucktown Arts Festivals.
Listen to poetry recorded from a set on 6-May-1999, for a electronic salon link between Chicago and the Northwest Spokenword Lab (SPLAB), Auburn, WA:
- Cramped Thoughts
- For Linda F.
- My Daughter Is a Silky Girl
- Waitress