Christopher Piatt
|  Christopher Piatt (photo: Heintz)
Christopher Piatt is a dramatist, actor, journalist, activist, and spoken word artist born in Kansas. He migrated after college, first to New York City where he was part of the local theater scene, then to Chicago, at least in part to escape New York. He continued his work as a writer and performer thereafter from 2002. He quickly found a home for his storytelling as a regular feature on the Partly Dave Show, a revue hosted by Dave Awl. Piatt's narrative and social commentary have also been heard on Chicago Public Radio.
The features below were recorded in the e-poets network studios on 23 June 2004, as two pieces. The first, "Stick Man" is broken into three chapters for convenient auditioning.
- Stick Man: chapter 1
- [running time: 1min 55sec]
- Stick Man: chapter 2
- [running time: 2min 57sec]
- Stick Man: chapter 3
- [running time: 8min 31sec]
- Listeners may also audition the entire story in sequence.
- Truth Be Told
- [running time: 7min 7sec]
- December 2004