Ken Hunt
Ken Hunt has been a journalist, a teacher, an occasional cat-sitter, and a resident of (in order) Seattle, Austin,
Madison, Albuquerque, Olympia, and Boston. He has published four books of poetry and, in Chicago, has been a featured poet for the Feast of Fools Cabaret and Homolatté. He now lives in Chicago teaching English as a second language, publicizing the online literary journal Blithe House Quarterly (www.blithe.com). A frequenter of fringe music stages in Chicago, Hunt performs in the
spazz-noise band Unplanned Pregnancy.
The following clips were recorded on 2 May 2004 at e-poets.net studios, Chicago:
- Anne Frank
- captivity of circumstance and Anne Frank as metaphor
- I Drew the Body
- Infrared
- memento mori in Oklahoma City, and tourism after terrorism
- Savanna
- coping with the psychological effects of being tested for HIV
- The Architecture of Distance
- Wanderlust Prayer
- May 2004